Tuesday, December 18, 2007

You think you're a rebel?

You think you're on the edge? You think you're out there? So.. you drink you smoke and do drugs, you have sex... a lot of it...... just like every other aimless adolescent who is too caught up in their narcissistic self indulgence to think. You wanna be different? Be non conformist? heres a thought, stay clean, you might just be part of the shrinking bunch of kids who can still function. At least be fucking honest. You're not doing it to be out there and to rebel, stop telling us that. You're doing it to fit in. I'd rather be able to form coherent thoughts than walk around in a inebriated haze. Guys, you think you're so tough and manly because you fuck at the drop of a hat? What takes more strength, what's a better test of your willpower, What proves you have stones? Giving in to whatever tempts you, or waiting out?

Minor Threat - Out Of Step

I Don't smoke
Don't drink
Don't fuck
At least I can fucking think

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