Friday, February 27, 2009

some new stuff

Get Up. Be Fake. Sleep. Repeat.

Your lack of conviction astounds me
you stand there in your suit and jacket
looking around
admiring how righteous you are
But really your soul is rotting from the inside out
Live this life or dont
I can not abide this any longer
not in my house
not in this place
You think you're fooling everyone
but I see through you
you are no better
than a whitewashed death camp
clean on the surface
but reeking of death
You are luke warm water in my mouth and I will spit you out

This Frozen Ocean, This Brillaint Sunlight

I'm drowning, drowning, in this sea
some invisible hand shoving my head under water
every time I try to catch a breath,
my arms flailing, legs kicking
attempting to tread water
treading water, this frozen, cold water
water, treading water, this cold water
My lungs fill up, I'm drowning now.
I cant see your face
I cant even see my limbs for the darkness of the ocean floor
content now with where I am. knowing where my hopw lies
I sleep, knowing that soon,
I will see the face of my maker
I will rejoice,
I was cold, but now am warm
Was drowning, but now can breath
was cold, but now I'm warm
In this sunlight, this brilliant sunlight.